Here are some pictures I took on my
trip at Anime Central 99.
Please note the pictures do not want to
come up right sometimes. You might have to
hit shift+reload to get them to show.
I don't know about the others, but I had a great time at
this con. I got a chance to meet one of my favorite manga
artist, Kenichi Sonoda, from one of favortie manga titles,
Gunsmith Cats. I even got a nice sketch from him of Minnie May!
No, it's not for sale so don't ask!
Meeting at the mall
Still at the mall
Getting ready to go
On the Metro subway
Waiting for the train
Walking to the train
Finally, on the train
Picture outside the window
Magda passing the time
Mike & Brian just chilling
Magda & Andi sleeping
Mike & Andi at the snack bar
In the dining car
Finally off the trian
Mike getting to excited
House of Anime van
In the hotel room
Mike in the hotel room
Walking from section G
Macross Plus arcade game
A panel, I forget which one
Mike & Brian at Dennys
Amanda Winn Lee siging my poster
The poster signed
Another pic of the signed poster
American voice actors signing
Japanese guests signing stuff
The line to get them to sign something
Lisa Ortiz siging my Slayers poster
Another panel I attended
Sakura from Sakura Wars
AD Vision table
Something being shown
Media Blasters table
Us waiting in line for something
Amanda Winn Lee dancing with Pen Pen
Warrior Nun costume
A bunch of costumes
Even more costumes
Still yet more costumes
Yet even more costumes
A giant Pen Pen
Evangelion group costume
Sailor Moon group costume
Sorceror Hunters group costume
Fire Drill for the con
Chilling in the hotel lobby
A picture of Cherry I got